Reference Articles

Articles and Presentations by Syntervention

Article published in Endovascular Today, October 2014:  Keeping the Room out of the Patient [pdf]

Article published in Endovascular Today, September 2012:  Foreign Body Contamination During Interventional Procedures [pdf]

Podium presentation at New Cardiovascular Horizons 6/9/12:  Microscopic Foreign Body Contamination during Interventional Procedures [pdf]

Poster presentation from CVPath: Pathologic Identification of Foreign Materials Associated with Cardiovascular Interventional Devices [pdf]

Full review of fiber and lint contamination literature:  Cotton Fiber Contamination in the Sterile Field: Literature Review [pdf]

Additional Supporting Documents

  1. Walley VM, Stinson WA, Upton RT, Santerre JP, Mussivand T, Masters RG, Ghadially FN. Foreign Materials Found in the Cardiovascular System After Instrumentation or Surgery (Including a Guide to Their Light Microscopic Identification). Cardiovascular Pathology (1993); Vol. 2, No. 3, pp 157-185.
  2. Glasgow D and Sommers J. Lint Shedding Cannot Be Overlooked. The Clinical Services Journal (2003). 28-30.
  3. Silberman J, Cravioto H, Feigin I. Foreign Body Emboli Following Cerebral Angiography. Archives of Neurology (1960). Vol. 3, 119-126.
  4. Dimmick JE, Bove KE, McAdams AJ, Benzing III G. Fiber Embolization – A Hazard of Cardiac Surgery and Catheterization. Medical Intelligence (1975). Vol. 292, No. 13, 685-687.
  5. Tinker MA, Teicher I, Burdman D. Cellulose Granulomas and Their Relationship to Intestinal Obstruction. The American Journal of Surgery (1977). Vol. 133, 134-139.
  6. Shannon P, Billbao JM, Marotta T, Terbrugge K. Inadvertent Foreign Body Embolization in Diagnostic and Therapeutic Cerebral Angiography. American Journal of Neuroradiology (2006). Vol. 27, 278-282.
  7. Von Glahn WC, Hall JW, Sun S. Arteritis in Guinea Pigs, Produced by Emboli of Cotton, Resembling the Arteritis of Hypersensitivity. American Journal of Pathology (1954), Vol. 30, No.6, 1129-1139.
  8. Sturdy JH, Baird RM, Gerein AN. Surgical Sponges: A Cause of Granuloma and Adhesion Formation. Annals of Surgery (1967), Vol. 165, No. 1, 128-134.
  9. Zimmerli W, Low DP, Waldvogel FA. Pathogenesis of Foreign Body Infection: Evidence for a Local Granulocyte Defect. Journal of Clinical Investigation (1984). Vol. 73, 1191-1200.
  10. Bookstein JJ, Arun K. Experimental Investigation of Hypercoagulant Conditions Associated with Angiography. Journal of Vascular and Interventional radiology (1995), Vol. 6, No. 2, 197-204.
  11. Whelan DM, van Beusekom HMM, van der Giessen WJ, Foreign Body Contamination During Stent Implantation. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis (1997), Vol. 40, 328-332.
  12. Sari A, Basterzi Y, Karabacak T, Tasdelen B, Demirkan F. The Potential of Microscopic Sterile Sponge Particles to Induce Foreign Body Reaction. International Wound Journal (2006). Vol. 3, 363-368.
  13. Ramot Y, Amir G, Willenz EP, Nyska A. Foreign Body Granulomas within Intramyocardial Arteries in a Transcoronary Safety Assessment in Pigs. Toxicologic Pathology (2008), Vol. 36, 385-387.
  14. Heath D and Mackinnon J. Case reports: Cotton-Wool Granuloma of Pulmonary Artery. British Heart Journal (1962). Vol. 24, Issue 4, 518-520.
  15. Janoff K, Wayne R, Huntwork B, Kelley H, Alberty R. Foreign Body Reactions Secondary to Cellulose Lint Fibers. The American Journal of Surgery (1984). Vol. 147, 598-600.
  16. Fischi M and Narins CR. Coronary Embolization of a Gauze Fragment: A Cautionary Case Report. Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions (2005). Vol. 66, 570- 572.
  17. Truscott W. Impact of Microscopic Foreign Debris on Post-Surgical Complications. Surgical Technology International (2004). Vol. 12, 334-46.
  18. Truscott W. Lint and Particle Contamination During Diagnostic and Interventional Procedures in the Cardiac Catheterization Lab. Cath Lab Digest (2006), online.
  19. Truscott W. Patients, Particles, Pathology and Pathogens: Understanding and Avoiding the Risk of Particle-Associated Infection. Managing Infection Control (2009). 94-97.
  20. Bayes-Genis A, Camrud AR, Jorgensen M, Donovan J.  Pressure Rinsing of Coronary Stents Immediately Before Implantation Reduces Inflammation and Neointimal Hyperplasia. JACC 2001; Vol 38 (2);562-8.
  21. Tinker MA, Burdman D, Deysine M, Teicher I, Platt N, Aufses AH Jr. Granulomatous peritonitis due to cellulose fibers from disposable surgical fabrics: laboratory investigation and clinical implications. Ann Surg. 1974;180(6):831–835


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