Custom Trays and Drapes

Syntervention is partnering with Cath Labs and Special Procedure Labs in creating specialized drapes to suit their specific procedure needs.

Syntervention’s custom drapes and trays comply with physician specifications, ensuring the highest level of performance and reliability during procedures.

If you want see more on how you can reduce fiber and lint, medical device waste costs and overall product costs,  Click Here.>>


Custom Trays






The Custom Drapes

  • Access locations for interventional procedures vary by patient and procedure type. Some facilities simply need a longer or wider drape while others create drapes with multiple fenestration’s, windows, pockets, cut-outs, tear away sections, etc.
  • All of our drapes feature one of the most absorbent materials in the industry. This means a significantly reduced risk of exposure to body fluids and a quicker clean-up/room turn around time.
  • Our line of drapes is designed to be “site” specific as well as “equipment” specific. This means you can have a drape that is designed for a specific procedure and at the same time is designed to accommodate the equipment in the Lab.
  • Our goal is to provide you with a drape that will be a perfect fit for your patients, tables, procedures, and budget! All of our surgical drapes can be customized to meet your specific needs.




How to Order

Contact us for a proposal customized to your specifications. A Syntervention representative will respond within 24 hours.

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Bringing Synergy to Intervention.
